Monday, March 28, 2011

The Colors of Fall

Hey There. This weeks picture is titled "The Colors of Fall" I know its kind of ironic because it is the start of spring time. I took this picture in Asheville, NC this fall when I went there for my moms birthday. I like this picture because it is so simple, but yet so contrast. Thank You for taking a look at this and I love every single one of you for believing in me! Also one last thing if you would please take the time to write a comment on this or anyone of my pictures! The more comments and interactions with my users, the more 'buzz' this site gets. If you dont have the time or just dont want to dont worry about it! Thanks again for everything and a new picture will be up next week!


  1. The leaves are so pretty. I like this photo.

  2. I love the angle of the shot. The color contrast between the leaves
    And concreat is beautiful.

  3. love the contrast of the soft leaves against the brick and cement..beautful!...
    :) nancybythebeach
