Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Beast Within Me

Hey Guys! This Picture was taken at my grandmother's house in Blackburg, VA. Are any of you guys from there? I took this picture with my Iphone 4 haha. I love this picture because I have never seen this flower before and I love the way it looks. Do any of you know what kind it is? If you do please leave a comment below because Im very curious. I also like how the old tire hub thing is in the background. I hope you like it and if you do leave a comment ;) Thanks Guys for looking at this see ya Sunday!

Monday, March 28, 2011

The Colors of Fall

Hey There. This weeks picture is titled "The Colors of Fall" I know its kind of ironic because it is the start of spring time. I took this picture in Asheville, NC this fall when I went there for my moms birthday. I like this picture because it is so simple, but yet so contrast. Thank You for taking a look at this and I love every single one of you for believing in me! Also one last thing if you would please take the time to write a comment on this or anyone of my pictures! The more comments and interactions with my users, the more 'buzz' this site gets. If you dont have the time or just dont want to dont worry about it! Thanks again for everything and a new picture will be up next week!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Come To Me

First of all this picture is dedicated to @iamcarmina she was one of the first pople to RT one of my tweets that was also a contest. Her name is Nina and she told me all she wanted for her picture was a landscape and clouds, so thats what I did:) Thanks again Nina. 

This picture was taken the same time "A Day At The Beach" was taken because it was the same storm. You can see the clouds coming in fast. This was a freaky storm there was not a tornado, but a restaurant nearby got struck by lightning and caught on fire. This was take with my Nikon D7000. I love the beach and I also love storms so this is like my two favorite things in one ;)!

Thank You for anybody that see's this for taking your time and looking at my blog. I am working on a new website that isn't a blog and its going to be pretty awesome. Thank You again to all my followers and I couldn't do any of this without you! Have a great day!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Where Ya Goin?

Hey Guys! Long time no post, I know. I have been extremely busy the last couple months and I know I havent posted a picture in a while but that is going to change! Lol I bet most of you forgot about me haha but thats okay cause we are starting fresh! Like I said in a couple tweets ago, My goal is to reach 15,000 followers by the end of the year and its going to be hard, but I bet it will happen! I am going to start posting a picture EVERY Sunday and never miss a week. Thank you for reading this and if you could, please tweet my twitter name to all your followers we need to get this account going. As always I love all of my followers and thank you for EVERYTHING you say. Thank you guys for supporting me and I have no idea how I could have done any of this with out you. 

This Picture was taken at my school in January. I saw all these birds above me and I literally just shot about 10 shots. There were probably about 1000 birds in total. I thought it was amazing by watching them how if one bird moved directions the rest followed almost in perfect sequence. It was pretty amazing to watch. Thanks again in for believing in me and the next picture will be up Sunday!